"Dreamland III"
"Dreamland II"
"Pass the Slipper"
"Button Button"
"Queen of May"
"Widow's Kiss"
"China Rabbit"
"Errand Boy"
"Mr. Lincoln"
"Maiden's Blush"
"Omen Machine"
"Dreamland (Arena II)"
"Dreamland (Arena II)"
"Dreamland I"
Geoff Mitchell     %22Empire%22     2009     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $2,100.00.jpg
"Frontier Lights #5"
"Frontier Lights #3"
"Frontier Lights #2"
"Frontier Lights #1"
"Island of the Dolls"
"Peppermint Thimble"
(Inv. Trans from KMFA to GM via Exquisite 8-11-17)     Geoff Mitchell     %22English Social Club%22     2014     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $1,800.00.jpg
(Inv. Trans from KMFA to GM via Exquisite 8-11-17)     Geoff Mitchell     %22Robin Hood's Hollow Book%22     2014     48x84x2.25     Mixed media on panel     $12,000.00.jpg
(MUZEO, Anaheim 5-13-17-6-25-17 - GM Studio)     (Inv. Trans. 2-24-17 GM picked up)     Geoff Mitchell     “Lady Amherst”     2015     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $1,800.00.jpg
(INV TRANS to Geoff 2-24-16 - Geoff picked up)      Geoff Mitchell     “The Bookseller’s Daughter”     2015     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $1,800.00.jpg
(Inv. Trans from KMFA to GM via Exquisite 8-11-17)     Geoff Mitchell     %22Kodiak Pinball%22     2014     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $1,800.00.jpg
(MUZEO, Anaheim 5-13-17-6-25-17 - GM Studio)     (Inv. Trans. 2-24-17 GM picked up)     Geoff Mitchell     “Lady Amherst”     2015     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $1,800.00.jpg
Geoff Mitchell     %22A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes%22     2017     Mixed media on panel     60x60x3     $12,500.00.jpg
(SOLD)     Geoff Mitchell     %22King's Highway%22     2017     Mixed media on panel     25x25     $2,400.00 (1).jpg
(SOLD)     Geoff Mitchell     %22Music Box%22     2014     Mixed media on panel     20x20x2     $1,800.00.jpg
     "Woodstar Fable #6"
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